Thursday, May 30, 2013

When Worlds Colide

Sitting in a small, crowded room, with about twenty of my family members, enjoying Thanksgiving dinner, I stood up to greet a person that had just walked in. The laughter and yelling flowed through my ears like beautiful music. The faces around me colored like tomatoes and double chins were everywhere. They didn't notice that I had moved, as I reached for a hug. I realized in that moment how lucky I was to be there. Suddenly a flashback hits me, time seems to slow down and I am back in time.

When I first stepped through the door this room nine years ago, my hair was a bit longer and my inner a bit broken. Life was a mess, and I most certainly did not want to be adopted or be part of a new family.  I wasn't sure if this was the right place. The faces that stood before me with blank expression didn't seem familiar.  These people were people I had never seen in my life and they would have to learn to accept me into their lives. My deep thought was broken as an older gentleman came up to me with a cheerful face. His eyes looked into mine, and I quickly looked away. For I thought if I let him look into them, this man who would become my grandfather, would figure me out. He reached for my hand, and shook it gently. I let go fast and quickly reached tightly to my new parents hands. Silly to think that was me nine years ago. So insecure and unsure.

Today as I glance around the same room, the insecurity has vanished. I've realized how much my family has influenced me. Ever since that day I stepped through those doors, my adoptive family has been proud to call me their daughter, granddaughter, niece and cousin. I have accepted them as a family and they have accepted me. Even through many hard years of learning to embrace one another, I have found that there is such thing as love. They also taught me that it is okay to speak your mind and that it okay to be you. I love the fact that I come from a family so open to new ideas. It taught me to be open to new ideas, people and places. They taught me not to limit myself to anything and go beyond the stars, and to never give up because once you get past all the crazy dilemmas it gets better. I've learned that this life is a great gift and we should live it to the fullest. I am no longer that insecure, unsure, shy person. If I were still that person, I would be terrified to put on a swim suit (with my big body) and go out and swim for my school and competed with the Cypress Swim Club synchronized swim team. I would have never found my passion for acting and singing. My shyness no longer takes over me. I talk to the whole world, I listen to what every one has to say. And I have learned to listen to myself. And instead of reaching out with trembling hands, I give a strong firm shake of confidence.

None Sense writing

I'm not sure
But you left me here
To grive on my own
To wonder what I ever did wrong
To wonder is there was something wrong with me
Thinking that I am this horrible person
Through everything we have been through
You telling me
That you want to forget
Forget everything
Fine I am granting you, your wish
To never have to think of me again
And its okay
Because through this all
I have found many people to make me smile
People who actually care about me
Who ask me
Hey are you okay?
Do you need anything
Have seen me at my worst
Drunk off my ass
High off my ass
All because of you
Infecting my mind with things
Making me believe
That I mean nothing
You were a good person
What happend?
Who are you?
But the thing is
I will move on from this
Because i know that I love myself
That I am better than this
That there is some one else out there
Some one that will be the one who loves me as a whole
Not just me on my good days.
But my horrible days
Who will come to me with a million flowers
Wont take no for an answer and make me go out
It could of been you
But you are weak
Hope you find strengh
I don't wish anything bad upon you because thats who I am
But I just hope that good things come from this
And that you learn
For now I shall laugh my sadness and anger away
For I am strong

Monday, May 27, 2013

Drink Drink

More drunk I get
The easier it is to forget you
The easier it is to forget every one
All the stress
All the shit
All these things that are making me want to snap
Drink the bottle and forget
I know it isnt healthy
I know it's not right
But why is it the only thing that helps?
Why is it that its the only thing thats making me get through this
Its like I can't stop thinking about it
Its my new addiction
Dance the day away
And then cry
And then forget
The numbing of my brain
I forget who I am
I forget you
Any of you who have broken me
I am just
No one else
A drunken person in this world

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Letting go

One of the hardest things to do in life is
Letting go of some one that you love so much
In hopes if they are the one
They will find their way back to you
But you wont know
Only time will tell
I love him so much
I care for him so much
But it is time to let him go
He is hurting
I am hurting
Things have been said
Things have been done
There is no turning back
Just move forward
And forward.
It is so hard to wrap your finger around
The cold bed that you have to sleep on
The closet that is no longer full of his clothes
And a few things he has left behind by accident
Well you sit around crying and crying
Wondering what went wrong
But you know what it is
If he really loves you like he said he does
He will come back
No matter the time
But you also have to face the fact that he may not
As hard as it maybe
But this is the best choice possible
Being around eachother
And seeing eachother in pain doesnt help the situation
Especially when there is no outlet
I shall walk around like a zombie for a few days
And mop and eat lots of unhealthy food
But then I will be able to stand on my two feet
Like I once have
And breath
I love you so much
But this is best for now
Take care of yourself
Because that is what needs to be done
Its not a goodbye
It is till see you later.

Friday, May 10, 2013

I tried to be strong, but its too much right now

Today I woke up,
A little uneasy,
Last night I tried to be strong,
But I couldn't
It was one step too soon,
My emotions are already hurt,
But no one seems to care about mine,
And I get blamed for not putting myself in his footsteps,
When that is all I have been doing,
Trying to view what he did and how he feels,
But no one has really asked me how I feel about the matter,
No one has really seen things through my eyes,
Right now I have to be selfish because I have been hurt,
Right now I also have to do things for myself,
Not just others,
I am sorry I wasn't able to allow you to do this,
It's cause it's her,
My friend who betrayed me,
Broke me,
And it's just too soon,
I try to view it as something else,
But I can't just yet,
The thoughts are just to clear in my mind,
If it was a month from now or more,
I could allow you,
I tried to be strong,
But I just couldn't
I will let you do anything but that ,
To help you heal and help you get better,
I am sorry,
Really am,
I know you understand it now,
but I just can't
Just yet,
When my heart has been cracked open,
and I am trying to pick up all the pieces
All the pieces that have been left on the ground,
I am still searching for a few.
I love you so much,
Just please don't hurt me.


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Things to do to make a relationship better

There are a few ways that you can make your relationship better if it is on the rocks, I am not an expert but it is just nice to know that you are not alone in a situation, just remember that every relationship has its ups and downs, no ones relationship is perfect even though it may seem so.

 First step is figuring out why your relationship is broken or not working. There is a reason behind this. It could be that you don't appreciate all the little things that your partner does or you may have gotten involved with someone else and there needs to be fixing. You may have hurt your partner in a way you may not know of or just not give them the respect that they need right now. You must figure out what it is that is not making the relationship work, like, key pointing the infection that way things can be resolved.

 You will never be able to change the past, have to accept what has happened whether good or bad, but what you can change is the future ahead. You must commit to making the relationship better, and sticking to it. If you love this person and care about them, the bad can be fixed it just takes time and understatement. Fixing the relationship must be a priority before anything else can get better, if it is not fixed than things will just go back to the same old ways. You have to put in the work to rebuild the love and affection, it does not come at an easy price. In other words you have to commit right now that you want to make the relationship better, not just one person but both.

 The hard thing is being able to forgive your partner and the person who has done wrong to forgive themselves, but we must forgive and move on. But since you have decided to make your relationship a priority. You have to focus on the healing part. By letting the past be the past and focusing on the now, and the present and future relationship. If you hold on to any old pain or grudges it wont help the relationship at all and it can just make it worse, you must start at a new.
 You have to change yourself. You also must accept the fact that you can not change your partner (they have to do this on their own) you can only change yourself. We have to concentrate on changing ourselves for the better and alleviate anything that caused the relationship to suffer or become broken. Here is an example of what you could do; if you stopped appreciating your girlfriend or wife, this is the best time to show her that you appreciate her, by giving her flowers, cards, candy and saying I love you. If you have stopped showing you boyfriend or husband respect, it is the time to do so, by being more respectful of him by what you may say or do.

 Lastly you have to communicate with one another. If there is no communication the relationship just wont work. You have to tell them that you love and care about them and that you really want this relationship to work out. Fixing a relationship isn't hard, it is just a matter of time, and being patient. Everyone heals at their own rate, but we also must reassure that we are committed.

Hopefully some of this helped out. I cant really say much, but like I said it is just always nice to know that you are not alone.

Good luck to anyone out there!!!

Recent events (Excuse any typos) And things you can possibly do after being cheated on or being the cheater

do to recent events i will be postponing any writing on The Crazzies, just because i need time to heal from what has happend to me in the most recent events of my life, and then i will continue to write but i must say now that the story of these three friends does not end well, but that is life, some friends are just not meant to stick around and others are. Some will be there through everything. well others will just take and take until there is nothing left for you to give. But I will be writing about how I feel and how i will decide to heal from being cheated on. I am sorry if my throughts change through out poems, i am just really trying to figure this out. Is it love? Is it not love? Can it be fixed? Can it not? Forgiveness must be done. And moving on must as well. As for now it is love, I do not want to loose this individual out of my life, but it can happen, because life has so many twists in it. Its just a matter of being on the same page, and giving one another a chance to just heal. Because it's not just me who is hurting but him as well for what he did to me. In these types of situations you must take action as soon as possible, you have to decide whether or not you would like to try and fix things or whether you just say your goodbyes and start a new life. Both choices are hard and they take time. If you do decide to stay with the person, make some changes.Analiyze the past events, and see what you can do differently as an individual but also as a couple. You have to rememeber though things are not going to be the same and they never will be but they can be better. So it's all up to you. You have the choice. but do not allow yourself to be stuck in a rut that may do more harm than good.

After You've Been Cheated On

There is no way....
I just can not believe this just happend
What did I do wrong?
Why me?
I feel so disgusting.
I just can not believe this...
I feel betrayed.
I am not sure where to go from here
It's like I have lost my other half,
because I really have,
Keep telling myself that I am going to be okay
But just the thought keeps rerunning through my head,
You promised you never would,
You said you wouldn't do anything to harm me,
But why am I on the ground crying to death,
Why can't I eat, or sleep.
Why do I feel like it is all my fault.
Is this a test to see how far I can be pushed?
Is this a sign from up above?
To show me I can make it through anything?
Can things ever be better again?
I have loved you for so long,
I can not just let go,
But just can't believe you did this.....
It can not be
I just feel so lost,
I just need to get up
I need to smile,
I can not let the negativity bring me down,
If it is meant to be between you and I it will
If it is not, it is such a shame because we could of been good,
Cause no relationship is perfect it takes time to learn and it takes time to heal,
All I can hope is for the best.
All I can do is wait,
But at the end
We are just left by ourselves.
Love is so hard,
Love takes time,
but LOVE is also fragile.
But LOVE can last.
Just have to push away all the bad and focus on the good.
Love is LOVE
even after such a thing.
thats why it takes time...